welcome to my garden! >

click on icons for credit!

Date: 5/3/23

Mood: pleasant


whew!! it's been a bit since i updated! my past month was completely swamped in things to do. there was so much in my schedule that i spent most of the time worrying about that!! don't worry, i didn't abandon this blog yet! expect to hear more from me now that my semester is practically over!
i have no clue where to actually start! so much went on that it's hard to even explain without being too long winded. i'll just paraphrase most of it by saying that i pushed past a majority of the things bothering me :D i got a LOT of things done! go me!! i was also able to spend a lot of time with my friends, which was great :DD
right now is finals week, so i'm still cranking out all the rest of my course assignments! i'm going to try and indulge myself in my hobbies again (which includes working on this website!!!) and hopefully testing out my brand new drawing tablet as soon as it comes in :3 many exciting things to come!

Date: 4/9/23

Mood: peachy


so sorry i havent been updating for the past few days.. i've been super busy lately!!
first of all, my basement flooded over the course of a few days.. which wasn't great to deal with at all. that was a pain in the ass. luckily since i still live with my parents, i was able to help them clean it up a lot faster. on top of that, i've been feeling under the weather lately for whatever reason, and it made it harder for me to become motivated to work on my website more.
second of all, i worked on a bunch of my assignments lately! i still have my big project left to do, but other than that, i should be fine with everything else.
lastly, i just watched the owl house finale!!!! i'm not going to spoil anything yet, but oh my goodness it was so amazing.. i was in tears the entire time. i'm so sad to see it end but i loved watching it :,)
tomorrow is my sister's birthday, so don't expect another entry just yet, but i'll update soon!

Date: 4/5/23

Mood: whelmed


today was a very low spoons day unfortunately... i became super drained by the end of the day and just feeling overall blegh. it was raining on and off and it definitely reflected how i feel :( i also have a handful of assignments due coming up and i have to motivate myself to actually get to them

Date: 4/4/23

Mood: chipper


today was quite a productive day!! i knocked out about 6 assignments for my film class and i crocheted a cute little cat beanie today (which i will naturally attach below :3) but unfortunately my carpal tunnel started flaring up by the end of it.. despite that, i watched a ton of danny gonzalez videos (love that guy) and this kurtis conner video that had me in shambles
it was a lot warmer today and so i had my window open for a while and i saw the HUGEST fucking husky!!!! it was so cute i love seeing dogs pass by :D

my new homemade kitty beanie!!!
very unintentionally nepeta

Date: 4/3/23

Mood: chummy


i'm honestly so proud of my little website!! i only have my newfound interest and coding hyperfix to thank for the outcome. i've spent the last three days hunched over my keyboard absolutely hammering out line after line of html and css... i feel like as soon as i'm happy with the outcome, updates won't be as frequent as they are currently. i only have a few weeks left of the semester (which is crazy to me!!) and i'll have to start focusing more on classes sometime. today in particular was my typical monday routine, despite the fact i skipped engl today. i don't skip nearly at all, so it was a weird decision to make, but my lack of sleep is catching up to me. yawwwn! XP